If you think it is complicated to create a horizontal scrolling widget in Flutter, you are wrong. In facts, it…

Method chaining using Cascade in Dart
Method chaining is a common design pattern in object-oriented programming, but do you know Google natively supports method chaining through…

Build a simple message app UI in Flutter
In this article, let's build a simple message app UI in Flutter by applying everything we have learned so far…

Transform FloatingActionButton into a cute little ghost
In this post, I will share you a tip to transform FloatingActionButton into something cool and attractive for the apps.…

Working with FloatingActionButton in Flutter
Continue to our Flutter learning journey, in this post, I will show you how easy it is to work with…

Working with Flutter RaisedButton
In this post, I will show you how to use Flutter RaisedButton, one of the most important widgets that you…

Clear data on Android Virtual Device
If you often use Android Virtual Device for your Android or Flutter app development, you will need to regularly clear…

Create splash screen in Flutter
Almost every single mobile app will have a splash screen when start. Let's create splash screen in Flutter. Splash screen…

Tips to use Timer in Dart and Flutter
Timer is essential part of any application, and is useful in many use-cases. Let me show you some tips to…

Make simple ListView in Flutter
Display a list of items commonly will refer to a widget, named ListView. In this post, I will show you…